All use the traditional luanze (qingxin) Oolong cultivar, which is the most suited for roasting (in Taiwan). And they come from distinct origins (Feng Huang/Dong Ding, Ali Shan, Shan Lin Shi) and seasons, that can still be felt. But most important is their roasting by real masters. It's both deep and light. Deep, because the long fire has completely altered the taste of these leaves. But also light, because a lower temperature has preserved the 'greenness' of the leaves: they still open up completely and don't display any burned tastes. It's a kind classic balance that fills you with ease and satisfaction.

The reason we study classics (in class) is not because they are easy, but because they are hard. Once you have mastered them, your education gives you solid foundations to face new problems. And the beauty of (tea) classics, is that they continue to shine as time goes by. Fresh teas loose their appeal within 2 years, but well kept Hung Shui Oolongs improve like grands crus wines. (I have tasted Hung Shui Oolongs close to a 100 years old that still tasted fresh and delicious).

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